I can’t believe my little bear is 8 months today. I feel so blessed to have Izaiah in my life. He is so cuddly and just a wonderful baby. His laughter is so contagious and it makes all those that hear it just smile! Zak and I are trying to encourage him to crawl since he can get into crawling position (on his hands and knees) but has not quite got the moving part. He is just content scooting. It’s pretty funny to watch him just drag his body from one side of the living room to the other. Izaiah’s favorite toys are now whatever Izaak happens to be playing with and big brother does not always like that. We do enjoy the moments when these two buddies just make one another laugh. For example when we are in the car driving back home after work and all of the sudden Izaak makes a weird noise or screams and Izaiah just starts laughing, well in turn this makes Izaak laugh too and encourages him to make the noise again, which again makes Izaiah laugh. They can go for quite a while on the same routine. Zak and I just smile at each other and think how amazing it is to have our two little boys and what fun the future holds for us with these two boys of ours. We love them and are so happy to be the parents of such amazing little bodies.