Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Things I Will Always Cherish

When I receive little notes like the one below it reminds that (1) I am one lucky woman and (2) that I have the most amazing man by my side and I get to call him Husband!

From: Zak Nelson
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 11:37 AM
To: Dedios, Stephany
Subject: te amo
Importance: High

Sweetheart -

I was just looking at your picture and wanted to tell you how much I love you. You are such a gorgeous woman - but the thing I love best is that every time I look at you I am reminded that, unlike the fast majority of people out there, all of your beauty outside is mirrored inside. You are a wonderful, beautiful, very capable woman of integrity and brightness. You make everyone around you smile, especially me - and you are an amazing mother to our children.

I love you...tonz & forever!!!

- Zak

See what I mean?

Saturday, July 2, 2011

We love Saturdays

We call it our family day. Every day of the week has a theme in Izaak's class at daycare. For example Wednesdays = book day, Thursdays = movie day/ice cream truck day and Fridays = Show & Tell day. So every morning Izaak usually wakes up asking what day is it? It makes him very excited when he knows what to expect for the day. So when Saturdays come and he asks this question we respond family day (Sundays are Church day). Today we visited a park and it was so much fun. We picked up some dinner and ate at a picnic table and played in the grass after our bellies were full. It was nothing glamorous but definitely something our boys were pretty excited about!
These are some funny pictures of Izaiah eating blueberries. He was loving them so much that he was trying to fit fist full of them in his mouth!

Zak couldn't stop laughing even though we were trying to be serious when telling Izaiah to eat slowly. Boys will be boys!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

And the award goes to...

I got an email that included this picture from my super husband.

With this sweet note:

"I was awarded SDI's first gold glove award today.

It's pretty heavy!!


I love you! Part of this is yours!"

It was so thoughtful of him to say that I had anything to do with it when in reality it is just all him.

I am thankful for a smart, diligent, persevering, hardworking man in my life.

I love you babe! Way to go!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

Celebrating Father's day reminds me how lucky I am. I have a wonderful father, two wonderful father in laws (yeah I have been doublely blessed) and a wonderful husband in my life.
Izaak was my special helper this morning, he warned his papi not to come out of the room because we were working on something special for him... our father's day banner. Izaak was so excited to show this to him.
I think this will a Father's day that Zak will never forget. Zak has been called to serve as Branch President in the Burlington Spanish speaking Branch and he was set apart today. I am so excited for my husband. I know that he will do a great job and that our family will be greatly blessed because of his service. I am also excited that we will attending a Spanish speaking branch. I think that this will help us (and force us) to speak Spanish more often. What a great blessing!
Happy Father's my love!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Photo Session

The boys had a little photo session with Jenifer Howard back in May 2011. Like I said I am trying to catch up on my posts. I think she did a fantastic job! See for yourself.









Monday, May 2, 2011

Soccer Monster

Our Izaak joined a soccer team at the YMCA.
Their team name was the Sharks.
It was sure fun to watch and cheer our 3 and 4 year olds.
Izaak you made us proud!! Just a few pics for your enjoyment:

Monday, January 31, 2011

Got Twins?

Grandma and Grandpa Fierro got the boys matching outfits for Christmas. I think they are the coolest twinsters around. So cute!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

10 Months

As you can see there is no stopping Izaiah when it comes to eating.
He gets very creative when it comes to food.
It makes him so happy!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Special Visitors at Daycare

This is community helpers week in Izaak's class at daycare. Izaak was pretty excited when the firefighters visited his class to talk about fire safety, but what made this experience even better was that one of the firefighters happened to be his tio (uncle) Jonathan! Thank you Jonathan and Sean for the service you provide to our community and for having no fear when surrounded by a bunch of 3 year olds. You guys are awesome!
When we asked Izaak what they talked about in class today, he said "Fighterfighters are our friends." Silly boy!