Monday, January 31, 2011

Got Twins?

Grandma and Grandpa Fierro got the boys matching outfits for Christmas. I think they are the coolest twinsters around. So cute!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

10 Months

As you can see there is no stopping Izaiah when it comes to eating.
He gets very creative when it comes to food.
It makes him so happy!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Special Visitors at Daycare

This is community helpers week in Izaak's class at daycare. Izaak was pretty excited when the firefighters visited his class to talk about fire safety, but what made this experience even better was that one of the firefighters happened to be his tio (uncle) Jonathan! Thank you Jonathan and Sean for the service you provide to our community and for having no fear when surrounded by a bunch of 3 year olds. You guys are awesome!
When we asked Izaak what they talked about in class today, he said "Fighterfighters are our friends." Silly boy!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Our Sunbeam

Primary already? I can't believe our little boy has joined primary this new year. It is a reminder that our wonderful boy is growing so rapidly. Zak and I tried to prepare Izaak about joining the big kids class and he really seemed happy about it. Sunday came and on our car ride to the chapel Izaak says, " Mami I don't want to go to Primary." I mentioned again how much fun he would have. Then it was time to take him to primary and Izaak was a little nervous but he was brave and sat down with his Sunbeam class. Zak and I visited the Primary quite a few times and Izaak did wonderful!