Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sickie Poo

Our baby boy has been sick for a few days. What we thought started out as just a cold has been terrorizing our baby’s body. We have been really blessed to have my mother stay with us and she has been watching over our Izaiah while we are back at work. There is nothing like the care of a grandmother… don’t believe me? Just ask Izaiah who giggles and coos when he is near his abuela. I called the doctors office and took him in today for a check-up. I must say that I feel like such a bad mother whenever I take my kiddies to the doctor’s office because they are sick. It always makes me wonder what I did wrong and what I could have done to prevent the illness. Yuck!
The doctor’s assistant directed us to the exam room and while walking there she commented on how heavy car seats are (she saw me struggling while carrying Izaiah in his carseat) and after I set the carseat on the exam table and she took a look at Izaiah she said, “now I know why you were struggling, he is one healthy boy.” By healthy she meant chunky. Izaiah is now weighing 16 lbs and 12 ounces. I have an almost 17 pound baby and he is not even 4 months yet! I am not complaining I am loving it; I wanted a chubby baby. I might just end up with beautiful toned arms to wear all the fabulous tanks I own ;-)
Dr Cummings checked Izaiah out and after listening to his chest he stated that we needed to get him started on pulmicort. This is a preventative breathing treatment for asthma. I just kept wishing Izaiah did not have to go through this. Zak and I have experience with this since our Izaak was also diagnosed with asthma and had to be on breathing treatments too. The doctor also asked that we get an x-ray of Izaiah’s chest. Not fun at all. Pictures of when Izaak had to get this done ran through my head and I was dreading it more and more. Have you ever seen what contraption is used to get a baby’s chest x-ray done?

It is called a Pigg-O-Stat. I call it torture. My baby was crying once he was placed in this device and all I could do was just hold his hands. Horrible right? Izaiah was a lot happier after I got him dressed and back in my arms.
Thankfully the results came back negative, which meant no sign of pneumonia. Thank goodness. So we started him on some antibiotics and we are just hoping for a speedy recovery.

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